#!/bin/bash ## sshot - Take a screenshot if [[ "$1" == "--partial" ]]; then ARG_PARTIAL=1 elif [[ "$1" == "--pin" ]]; then ARG_PARTIAL=1 ARG_PIN=1 elif [[ "$1" == "--window" ]]; then ARG_WINDOW=1 fi file="$HOME/Pictures/screenshots/$(date --iso-8601=seconds).png" mkdir -p "$(dirname $file)" 2>/dev/null if [[ -n "$ARG_PARTIAL" ]]; then # prompt the user for the area to take a screenshot from geometry="$(slurp)" if [ -z "$geometry" ]; then exit 1 fi elif [[ -n $ARG_WINDOW ]]; then # get the active window geometry geometry="$(get-focused-window-geometry)" fi # take a screenshot grim -g "$geometry" -- "$file" # place to image in the clipboard wl-copy < "$file" if [[ -n "$ARG_PIN" ]]; then # pin the screenshot feh --title "Pinned screenshot" --geometry "$(echo -n "$geometry" | sed -E 's/([0-9]+),([0-9]+) ([0-9]+)x([0-9]+)/\3x\4+\1+\2/')" "$file" & fi # print the file name echo "$file"