#!/bin/bash # Animated wallpaper # quick and dirty script, but it works wallpaper_source="https://massaki.ca/extra/wallpaper.mp4" wallpaper_static="$HOME/.local/share/wallpaper.jpg" wallpaper_anim="$HOME/.local/share/wallpaper.mp4" if [ ! -f "$HOME/.cache/wallpaper_enabled" ]; then echo "Animated wallpaper disabled" echo "touch $HOME/.cache/wallpaper_enabled to enable it" exit fi if [ ! -f "$wallpaper_anim" ]; then # calculate screen geometry screen_size="$(xrandr --screen 0 | grep '^Screen' | grep -Eo 'current [0-9]+ x [0-9]+' | sed -E 's/current ([0-9]+) x ([0-9]+)/\1 \2/g')" set -- $screen_size # download, crop and scale ffmpeg -i "$wallpaper_source" -vf "scale=w=$1:h=$2:force_original_aspect_ratio=increase, crop=w=$1:h=$2:y=(in_w-out_w)" -sws_flags lanczos \ -c:v libx264 -tune fastdecode -preset ultrafast -crf 18 -r 15 "$wallpaper_anim" # extract static image ffmpeg -i "$wallpaper_anim" -vframes 1 "$wallpaper_static" # set static wallpaper feh --bg-fill --no-xinerama "$wallpaper_static" fi if ! acpi --ac-adapter 2>/dev/null | grep -q 'off-line'; then exec "$HOME/.local/bin/mpv-bg" --really-quiet \ --no-config --no-border --no-audio --vd-lavc-fast \ --loop --panscan=1.0 --scale=oversample --cache-file=TMP "$wallpaper_anim" fi