products: # The name of the product. This will be the value of the `product_name` label in the metrics. - name: i7-12700k targets: # The parser. Can be either html or json. # html will be appropriate for sites with static pages. # json will be appropriate for sites with dynamic pages. - parser: html # If using the html parser, the url to the product page # If using the json parser, the url of the api call the page do to fetch pricing information url: # If using the html parser, a CSS selector that match the html element containing the price of the product. If multiple html elements match, the first match will be used. # If using the json parser, a jq style selector that match the field containing the price information. See for documentation on how to write jq style selectors. selector: '.a-offscreen::text' # Optional # A regex expression that match the result of the selector and extract the price from the text. # The match must be able to be parsed to a valid float value. If there are multiple matches, the first one will be used. regex: '[0-9]+(\.[0-9]{2})?' # json parser example # - parser: json # url: # selector: '.MainItem.UnitCost'