fs: # The mountpoint. Can be overwritten via the command line. #mountpoint: /mnt gitlab: # The gitlab url. url: https://gitlab.com # The gitlab api token. # Default to anonymous (only public projects will be visible). #token: # A list of the group ids to expose their projects in the filesystem. group_ids: - 9970 # gitlab-org # A list of the user ids to expose their personal projects in the filesystem. user_ids: [] # If set to true, the user the api token belongs to will automatically be added to the list of users exposed by the filesystem. include_current_user: true git: # Path to the local repository cache. Repositories in the filesystem will symlink to a folder in this path. # Default to $XDG_DATA_HOME/gitlabfs, or $HOME/.local/share/gitlabfs if the environment variable $XDG_DATA_HOME is unset. #clone_location: # The name of the remote in the local clone. remote: origin # Must be set to either "http" or "ssh". # The protocol to configure the git remote on. pull_method: http # Must be set to either "init", init-pull", "no-checkout" or "checkout". # If set to "init", the local clone will be initialized with `git init` and set to track the default branch. (fastest) # If set to "init-pull", the local clone will be initialized with `git init` and will than be followed up by an asynchronous `git pull`. (faster) # If set to "no-checkout", the local clone will be initialized with `git clone --no-checkout`. (slower) # If set to "checkout", the local clone will be initialized with `git clone`. (slowest) # NOTE: If set to "init" or "no-checkout", the local clone will appear empty. Running `git pull` will download the files from the git server. # It's highly recommended to leave this setting on "init". on_clone: init # If set to true, the local clone will automatically run `git pull` in the local clone if it's on the default branch and the worktree is clean. # Pulls are asynchronous so it can take a few minutes for all repositories to sync up. # It's highly recommended to leave this setting turned off. auto_pull: false # The depth of the git history to pull. Set to 0 to pull the full history. depth: 1 # The number of `git clone` operation that can be queued up clone_queue_size: 200 # The number of parallel `git clone` operation that is allowed to run at once clone_worker_count: 5 # The number of `git pull` operation that can be queued up pull_queue_size: 500 # The number of parallel `git pull` operation that is allowed to run at once pull_worker_count: 5