PROGRAM := gitlabfs TARGET_DIR := ./bin VERSION := $(shell git describe --tags --always) SRC := $(shell find -name '*.go' -not -name '*_test.go' -type f) BIN := $(TARGET_DIR)/$(PROGRAM) # tests ALL_SRC := $(shell find -name '*.go' -type f) COVER_PROFILE := $(TARGET_DIR)/coverage.out COVER_REPORT := $(TARGET_DIR)/coverage.html # go GO := go GOFMT := $(GO) fmt GORUN := $(GO) run -race GOCLEAN := $(GO) clean GOTEST := $(GO) test GOCOVER := $(GO) tool cover GOBUILD := $(GO) build # docker DOCKER := docker DOCKERBUILD := $(DOCKER) build DOCKERTAG := $(DOCKER) tag DOCKERPUSH := $(DOCKER) push DOCKER_TAGS := $(PROGRAM):$(VERSION) .PHONY: all all: build .PHONY: help help: @echo "clean revert back to clean state" @echo "lint lint and format the code" @echo "run run without building" @echo "prepare prepare environment for build" @echo "test build and run short test suite" @echo "coverage build and run full test suite and generate coverage report" @echo "build build the binary" @echo "build-docker build the docker image" # clean: revert back to initial state .PHONY: clean clean: $(GOCLEAN) rm -r $(TARGET_DIR) # lint: lint and format the code .PHONY: lint lint: $(GOFMT) ./... # run: run without building with debug flags .PHONY: run run: lint $(GORUN) main.go # prepare: prepare environment for build $(TARGET_DIR): mkdir $(TARGET_DIR) &>/dev/null || true .PHONY: prepare prepare: $(TARGET_DIR) # test: run short test suite .PHONY: test test: lint $(GOTEST) -short ./... # coverage: run full test suite with coverage report $(COVER_PROFILE): $(TARGET_DIR) $(ALL_SRC) $(GOTEST) -coverprofile=$(COVER_PROFILE) ./... $(COVER_REPORT): $(TARGET_DIR) $(COVER_PROFILE) $(GOCOVER) -html=$(COVER_PROFILE) -o=$(COVER_REPORT) .PHONY: coverage coverage: lint $(COVER_REPORT) $(GOCOVER) -func=$(COVER_PROFILE) # build: build the program for release $(BIN): $(TARGET_DIR) $(SRC) $(GOBUILD) -o=$(BIN) .PHONY: build build: lint $(BIN) # build-docker: build the docker image .PHONY: build-docker build-docker: $(BIN) $(DOCKERBUILD) -t $(PROGRAM) . $(foreach tag,$(DOCKER_TAGS),$(DOCKERTAG) $(PROGRAM) $(tag);)