package config import ( "fmt" "os" "path/filepath" "" ) const ( ForgeGitlab = "gitlab" ForgeGithub = "github" PullMethodHTTP = "http" PullMethodSSH = "ssh" ArchivedProjectShow = "show" ArchivedProjectHide = "hide" ArchivedProjectIgnore = "ignore" ) type ( Config struct { FS FSConfig `yaml:"fs,omitempty"` Gitlab GitlabClientConfig `yaml:"gitlab,omitempty"` Github GithubClientConfig `yaml:"github,omitempty"` Git GitClientConfig `yaml:"git,omitempty"` } FSConfig struct { Mountpoint string `yaml:"mountpoint,omitempty"` MountOptions string `yaml:"mountoptions,omitempty"` Forge string `yaml:"forge,omitempty"` } GitlabClientConfig struct { URL string `yaml:"url,omitempty"` Token string `yaml:"token,omitempty"` GroupIDs []int `yaml:"group_ids,omitempty"` UserIDs []int `yaml:"user_ids,omitempty"` ArchivedProjectHandling string `yaml:"archived_project_handling,omitempty"` IncludeCurrentUser bool `yaml:"include_current_user,omitempty"` PullMethod string `yaml:"pull_method,omitempty"` } GithubClientConfig struct { Token string `yaml:"token,omitempty"` OrgNames []string `yaml:"org_names,omitempty"` UserNames []string `yaml:"user_names,omitempty"` ArchivedRepoHandling string `yaml:"archived_repo_handling,omitempty"` IncludeCurrentUser bool `yaml:"include_current_user,omitempty"` PullMethod string `yaml:"pull_method,omitempty"` } GitClientConfig struct { CloneLocation string `yaml:"clone_location,omitempty"` Remote string `yaml:"remote,omitempty"` OnClone string `yaml:"on_clone,omitempty"` AutoPull bool `yaml:"auto_pull,omitempty"` Depth int `yaml:"depth,omitempty"` QueueSize int `yaml:"queue_size,omitempty"` QueueWorkerCount int `yaml:"worker_count,omitempty"` } ) func LoadConfig(configPath string) (*Config, error) { // defaults dataHome := os.Getenv("XDG_DATA_HOME") if dataHome == "" { dataHome = filepath.Join(os.Getenv("HOME"), ".local/share") } defaultCloneLocation := filepath.Join(dataHome, "gitlabfs") config := &Config{ FS: FSConfig{ Mountpoint: "", MountOptions: "nodev,nosuid", Forge: "", }, Gitlab: GitlabClientConfig{ URL: "", Token: "", PullMethod: "http", GroupIDs: []int{9970}, UserIDs: []int{}, ArchivedProjectHandling: "hide", IncludeCurrentUser: true, }, Github: GithubClientConfig{ Token: "", PullMethod: "http", OrgNames: []string{}, UserNames: []string{}, ArchivedRepoHandling: "hide", IncludeCurrentUser: true, }, Git: GitClientConfig{ CloneLocation: defaultCloneLocation, Remote: "origin", OnClone: "init", AutoPull: false, Depth: 0, QueueSize: 200, QueueWorkerCount: 5, }, } if configPath != "" { f, err := os.Open(configPath) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to open config file: %v", err) } defer f.Close() d := yaml.NewDecoder(f) if err := d.Decode(config); err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to parse config file: %v", err) } } // validate forge is set if config.FS.Forge != ForgeGithub && config.FS.Forge != ForgeGitlab { return nil, fmt.Errorf("fs.forge must be either \"%v\", or \"%v\"", ForgeGitlab, ForgeGithub) } return config, nil } func MakeGitlabConfig(config *Config) (*GitlabClientConfig, error) { // parse pull_method if config.Gitlab.PullMethod != PullMethodHTTP && config.Gitlab.PullMethod != PullMethodSSH { return nil, fmt.Errorf("gitlab.pull_method must be either \"%v\" or \"%v\"", PullMethodHTTP, PullMethodSSH) } // parse archive_handing if config.Gitlab.ArchivedProjectHandling != ArchivedProjectShow && config.Gitlab.ArchivedProjectHandling != ArchivedProjectHide && config.Gitlab.ArchivedProjectHandling != ArchivedProjectIgnore { return nil, fmt.Errorf("gitlab.archived_project_handling must be either \"%v\", \"%v\" or \"%v\"", ArchivedProjectShow, ArchivedProjectHide, ArchivedProjectIgnore) } return &config.Gitlab, nil } func MakeGithubConfig(config *Config) (*GithubClientConfig, error) { // parse pull_method if config.Gitlab.PullMethod != PullMethodHTTP && config.Gitlab.PullMethod != PullMethodSSH { return nil, fmt.Errorf("github.pull_method must be either \"%v\" or \"%v\"", PullMethodHTTP, PullMethodSSH) } // parse archive_handing if config.Gitlab.ArchivedProjectHandling != ArchivedProjectShow && config.Gitlab.ArchivedProjectHandling != ArchivedProjectHide && config.Gitlab.ArchivedProjectHandling != ArchivedProjectIgnore { return nil, fmt.Errorf("github.archived_repo_handling must be either \"%v\", \"%v\" or \"%v\"", ArchivedProjectShow, ArchivedProjectHide, ArchivedProjectIgnore) } return &config.Github, nil } func MakeGitConfig(config *Config) (*GitClientConfig, error) { // parse on_clone if config.Git.OnClone != "init" && config.Git.OnClone != "clone" { return nil, fmt.Errorf("git.on_clone must be either \"init\" or \"clone\"") } return &config.Git, nil }