Fork 0

setup tcp, enable http/2

This commit is contained in:
Massaki Archambault 2021-08-26 01:09:42 -04:00
parent c326886eb1
commit cce2b7cb56
2 changed files with 43 additions and 21 deletions

View File

@ -9,7 +9,12 @@ haproxy:
tcp: [] # TODO, for ssh-forward
- src: "30022"

View File

@ -4,15 +4,14 @@ global
log local0
stats timeout 30s
tune.ssl.default-dh-param 2048
timeout connect 5s
timeout client 30s
timeout server 30s
log global
option forwardfor
option http-server-close
default-server init-addr last,none resolvers dns
resolvers dns
@ -36,28 +35,30 @@ frontend http_management
acl prefixed-with-metrics path_beg -i /metrics
use_backend haproxy_metrics if prefixed-with-metrics
frontend http_in
bind *:80
mode http
http-request redirect scheme https code 302
# http frontend
frontend https_in
bind *:80
# backend is assumed to be http, perform ssl termination here
bind *:443 ssl crt /etc/letsencrypt/live/{{ letsencrypt.domains[0] }}/{{ letsencrypt.domains[0] }}.pem
# mode tcp
bind *:443 ssl crt /etc/letsencrypt/live/{{ letsencrypt.domains[0] }}/{{ letsencrypt.domains[0] }}.pem alpn h2,http/1.1
mode http
option forwardfor
# force https
http-request redirect scheme https unless { ssl_fc }
# request is ssl
# tcp-request inspect-delay 5s
# tcp-request content accept if { req.ssl_hello_type 1 }
{% for route in https_routing %}
# use_backend https_{{ route.src[0]|replace('.','_') }} if { req.ssl_sni -i {% for src in route.src %}{{ src }} {% endfor %}}
use_backend https_{{ route.src[0]|replace('.','_') }} if { hdr_end(host) -i {% for src in route.src %}{{ src }} {% endfor %}}
{% for http_route in https_routing %}
#use_backend https_{{ http_route.src[0]|replace('.','_') }} if { req.ssl_sni -i {% for src in http_route.src %}{{ src }} {% endfor %}}
use_backend https_{{ http_route.src[0]|replace('.','_') }} if { hdr_end(host) -i {% for src in http_route.src %}{{ src }} {% endfor %}}
{% endfor %}
# stat backend
backend haproxy_stats
mode http
stats uri /stats
@ -65,16 +66,32 @@ backend haproxy_stats
stats refresh 10s
stats auth admin:admin
# metric backend
backend haproxy_metrics
mode http
http-request use-service prometheus-exporter
{% for route in https_routing %}
backend https_{{ route.src[0]|replace('.','_') }}
# mode tcp
{% for http_route in https_routing %}
# backend for {{ http_route.src[0] }}
backend https_{{ http_route.src[0]|replace('.','_') }}
mode http
balance roundrobin
{% for dst in route.dst %}
# server {{ dst }} {{ dst }}{% if ':' not in dst %}:443{% endif %} check
server {{ dst }} {{ dst }}{% if ':' not in dst %}:80{% endif %} check
{% for dst in http_route.dst %}
server {{ dst }} {{ dst }}{% if ':' not in dst %}:443{% endif %} check ssl verify none alpn h2
#server {{ dst }} {{ dst }}{% if ':' not in dst %}:80{% endif %} check
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
## TCP ##
{% for tcp_route in tcp_routing %}
frontend tcp_{{ tcp_route.src }}
bind *:{{ tcp_route.src }}
mode tcp
use_backend tcp_{{ tcp_route.src }}
backend tcp_{{ tcp_route.src }}
mode tcp
{% for dst in tcp_route.dst %}
server {{ dst }} {{ dst }} check
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}