global daemon maxconn 1024 log local0 stats timeout 30s tune.ssl.default-dh-param 2048 defaults log global log /dev/log local0 notice timeout connect 5s timeout client 120s timeout server 120s timeout tunnel 1h default-server init-addr last,none resolvers dns resolvers dns parse-resolv-conf ## FRONTENDS ## # haproxy stuff frontend http_management bind *:8080 mode http # redirects /status to haproxy monitor monitor-uri /status # redirects /stats to stats backend acl prefixed-with-stats path_beg -i /stats use_backend haproxy_stats if prefixed-with-stats # redirects /metrics to metrics backend acl prefixed-with-metrics path_beg -i /metrics use_backend haproxy_metrics if prefixed-with-metrics frontend http_in bind *:80 mode http # force https redirect scheme https # https frontend frontend https_in # backend is assumed to be http, perform ssl termination here bind *:443 ssl crt /etc/letsencrypt/live/{{[0] }}/{{[0] }}.pem alpn h2,http/1.1 mode http option httplog # set HSTS http-response set-header Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=15552000; includeSubDomains;" # set X-Forward-For option forwardfor # set X-Forwarded-Proto http-request set-header X-Forwarded-Proto https default_backend default_backend {% for http_route in https_routing %} use_backend https_{{ http_route.frontend[0]|replace('.','_') }} if { hdr_end(host) -i {% for src in http_route.frontend %}{{ src }} {% endfor %}}{% if 'allowlist' in http_route %} { src {% for ip in http_route.allowlist %}{{ ip }} {% endfor %}}{% endif %} {% endfor %} ## BACKENDS ## # stat backend backend haproxy_stats mode http stats uri /stats stats enable stats refresh 10s stats auth admin:admin # metric backend backend haproxy_metrics mode http http-request use-service prometheus-exporter backend default_backend mode http http-request deny deny_status 404 {% for http_route in https_routing %} # backend for {{ ', '.join(http_route.frontend) }} backend https_{{ http_route.frontend[0]|replace('.','_') }} mode http balance roundrobin {% for dst in http_route.backend %} server {{ dst.server }} {{ dst.server }}{% if ':' not in dst.server %}:443{% endif %} check {% if http_route.ssl|default(true) %}ssl verify none alpn h2,http/1.1{% endif %} {{ dst.extra_param|default('') }} {% endfor %} {% endfor %} ## TCP ## {% for tcp_route in tcp_routing %} frontend tcp_{{ tcp_route.frontend }} bind *:{{ tcp_route.frontend }} mode tcp use_backend tcp_{{ tcp_route.frontend }} backend tcp_{{ tcp_route.frontend }} mode tcp {% for dst in tcp_route.backend %} server {{ dst.server }} {{ dst.server }} check {{ dst.extra_param|default('') }} {% endfor %} {% endfor %}