# home-stack-kustomize Kubernetes deployment for home cluster. ## Deploying Deployments are done through a `Makefile`. Prerequisites: * make * terraform * kustomize * kubectl * highlight (for prettying `diff`) ### Prod deployment #### infra ``` sh make infra ``` This will: 1. Configure external-secret to be able to sync kubernetes secrets with the secret store in AWS. 2. Configure the DNS entries in DigitalOcean #### diff ``` sh make ``` *or* ``` sh make prod-diff ``` Generated kubernetes manifest will be in [./build/prod.yaml](./build/prod.yaml). #### apply ``` sh make prod-apply ``` Generated kubernetes manifest will be in [./build/prod.yaml](./build/prod.yaml). Server-side resources that are not declared in the manifest will be pruned. ## Services | service | local | prod | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------- | | [kubernetes-dashboard](https://github.com/kubernetes/dashboard/releases) | http://kubernetes-dashboard.localhost | https://kubernetes-dashboard.badjnet.home | | [traefik](https://github.com/traefik/traefik) | http://traefik.localhost/dashboard/ | https://traefik.badjnet.home/dashboard/ | | [longhorn](https://github.com/longhorn/longhorn) | | https://longhorn.badjnet.home | | [grafana](https://github.com/grafana/grafana) | http://grafana.localhost | https://grafana.badjnet.home | | [prometheus](https://github.com/prometheus/prometheus) | http://prometheus.localhost | https://prometheus.badjnet.home | | [gitea](https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea) | http://gitea.localhost | https://gitea.badjware.dev | | [drone](https://github.com/drone/drone) | http://drone.localhost | https://drone.badjware.dev | | [nextcloud](https://github.com/nextcloud/server) | http://nextcloud.localhost | https://cloud.badjware.dev |