# librechat-mistral A quick prototype to self-host [LibreChat](https://github.com/danny-avila/LibreChat) with [Mistral](https://mistral.ai/news/announcing-mistral-7b/), and an OpenAI-like api provided by [LiteLLM](https://github.com/BerriAI/litellm) on the side. ## Goals * Streamline deployment of a local LLM for experimentation purpose. * Deploy a ChatGPT Clone for daily use. * Deploy an OpenAI-like API for hacking on Generative AI using well-supported libraries. * Use docker to prepare for an eventual deployment on a container orchestration platform like Kubernetes. ## Getting started ### Prerequisites * Linux or WSL2 * docker ### Steps for NVIDIA GPU 1. Make sure your drivers are up to date. 2. Install the [NVIDIA Container Toolkit](https://docs.nvidia.com/datacenter/cloud-native/container-toolkit/latest/install-guide.html). 3. Clone the repo. 4. Copy the AMD compose spec to select it. `cp docker-compose.nvidia.yml docker.compose.yml` 5. Run `docker compose up`. Wait for a few minutes for the model to be downloaded and served. 6. Browse http://localhost:3080/ 7. Create an admin account and start chatting! ### Steps for AMD GPU **Warning: AMD was not tested on Windows and support seems to not be as good as on Linux.** 1. Make sure your drivers are up to date. 2. Clone the repo. 3. Copy the AMD compose spec to select it. `cp docker-compose.amd.yml docker.compose.yml` 4. If you are using an RX (consumer) series GPU, you *may* need to set `HSA_OVERRIDE_GFX_VERSION` to an appropriate value for the model of your GPU. You will need to look it up. The value can be set in *docker-compose.yml*, 5. Run `docker compose up`. Wait for a few minutes for the model to be downloaded and served. 6. Browse http://localhost:3080/ 7. Create an admin account and start chatting! ### Steps for NO GPU (use CPU) **Warning: This may be very slow depending on your CPU and may us a lot of RAM depending on the model** 1. Make sure your drivers are up to date. 2. Clone the repo. 3. Copy the CPU compose spec to select it. `cp docker-compose.cpu.yml docker.compose.yml` 4. Run `docker compose up`. Wait for a few minutes for the model to be downloaded and served. 5. Browse http://localhost:3080/ 6. Create an admin account and start chatting! ## Configuring additional models ### SASS services Read: https://docs.librechat.ai/install/configuration/dotenv.html#endpoints **TL:DR** Let say we want to configure an OpenAI API key. 1. Open the *.env* file. 2. Uncomment the line `# OPENAI_API_KEY=user_provided`. 3. Replace `user_provided` with your API key. 4. Restart LibreChat `docker compose restart librechat`. Refer to the [LibreChat documentation](https://docs.librechat.ai/install/configuration/ai_setup.html#openai) for the full list of configuration options. ### Ollama (self-hosted) Browse the [Ollama models library](https://ollama.ai/library) to find a model you wish to add. For this example we will add [mistral-openorca](https://ollama.ai/library/mistral-openorca) 1. Open the *docker compose.yml* file. 2. Find the `ollama` service. Find the `command:` option under the ollama sevice. Append the name of the model you wish to add at the end of the list (eg: `command: mistral mistral-openorca`). 3. Open the *litellm/config.yaml* file. 4. Add the following a the end of the file, replace {model_name} placeholders with the name of your model ``` yaml - model_name: {model_name} litellm_params: model: ollama/{model_name} api_base: http://ollama:11434 ``` eg: ``` yaml - model_name: mistral-openorca litellm_params: model: ollama/mistral-openorca api_base: http://ollama:11434 ``` 5. Restart the stack `docker compose restart`. Wait for a few minutes for the model to be downloaded and served. ## Architecture components * [LibreChat](https://github.com/danny-avila/LibreChat) is a ChatGPT clone with support for multiple AI endpoints. It's deployed alongside a [MongoDB](https://github.com/mongodb/mongo) database and [Meillisearch](https://github.com/meilisearch/meilisearch) for search. It's exposed on http://localhost:3080/. * [LiteLLM](https://github.com/BerriAI/litellm) is an OpenAI-like API. It is exposed on http://localhost:8000/ without any authentication by default. * [Ollama](https://github.com/ollama/ollama) manages and serve the local models. ## Alternatives Check out [LM Studio](https://lmstudio.ai/) for a more integrated, but non web-based alternative!