diff --git a/colors/spacegray.vim b/colors/spacegray.vim index b97f2ff..fd8c2ef 100644 --- a/colors/spacegray.vim +++ b/colors/spacegray.vim @@ -12,15 +12,15 @@ if exists('syntax_on') endif if !exists('g:spacegray_underline_search') - let g:spacegray_underline_search = 1 + let g:spacegray_underline_search = 0 endif if !exists('g:spacegray_use_italics') - let g:spacegray_use_italics = 1 + let g:spacegray_use_italics = 0 endif if !exists('g:spacegray_low_contrast') - let g:spacegray_low_contrast = 1 + let g:spacegray_low_contrast = 0 endif set background=dark @@ -129,9 +129,7 @@ hi SpellRare ctermbg=53 ctermfg=13 guibg=#5F005F guifg=#B294BB cte hi SpellCap ctermbg=17 ctermfg=12 guibg=#00005F guifg=#81A2BE cterm=NONE gui=NONE hi SpellLocal ctermbg=24 ctermfg=14 guibg=#005F5F guifg=#8ABEB7 cterm=NONE gui=NONE -" Highlight Links {{{1 -" Most of the links are mercilessly stolen from romainl's amazing Apprentice -" theme. (https://github.com/romainl/Apprentice) +" Highlights {{{1 hi link Boolean Constant hi link Character Constant hi link Number Constant