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Akshay Hegde 5c2ac6b043
Support :terminal related highlight groups
2019-02-15 01:05:53 -08:00
OSXTerminal Use sRGB colors for Terminal.app 2017-05-05 23:26:44 -07:00
Terminator Organize terminal config files into folders. 2015-01-06 01:00:34 -08:00
colors Support :terminal related highlight groups 2019-02-15 01:05:53 -08:00
iTerm2 Update iTerm color palette and provide a low contrast option 2018-06-20 17:31:01 -07:00
screenshots Showcase lower contrast variant of Spacegray 2017-11-22 19:13:11 -08:00
README.md Update README 2018-04-07 13:21:39 -07:00



Spacegray is a colorscheme for Vim loosely modeled after the spacegray theme for Xcode.


You can tweak Spacegray by enabling the following disabled options:

  1. Underlined Search: Underline search text instead of using highlight color. Put the following in your ~/.vimrc to enable it:

let g:spacegray_underline_search = 1

  1. Use Italics: Use italics when appropriate, e.g. for comments. (note: terminal must support italics). Put the following in your ~/.vimrc to enable it:

let g:spacegray_use_italics = 1

  1. Use lower contrast: Use a low contrast variant of Spacegray. Put the following in your ~/.vimrc to enable it:

let g:spacegray_low_contrast = 1


Here are a few screenshots of Spacegray: (Font used: Fira Mono 12pt)

Vim (GVim)

Spacegray in Vim

Ruby (Terminal Vim)

Spacegray in Ruby

Haskell (Spacegray Low Contrast GVim)

Spacegray Low Contrast


If you use Vim 8 or better, simply copy and paste:

git clone git://github.com/ajh17/Spacegray.vim ~/.vim/pack/vendor/start/Spacegray

Then in your ~/.vimrc, add this line:

colorscheme spacegray

Terminal Environment

If you use Spacegray inside a Terminal, please make sure you use a Terminal with 256 color support. Most these days are. Ensure that the default TERM contains the string 256color. An example would be xterm-256color or if using tmux or screen, screen-256color.

NOTE: If you use Vim 7.4.1778 or higher, you can now use Spacegray's GUI colors inside terminal Vim as long as your terminal supports true colors (24-bit colors). To enable this, put :set termguicolors and ignore the rest of the terminal color sections of this document.

Terminal Color Palette

Spacegray will look good in a dark terminal colorscheme, but if you use Spacegray's color palette, it will look beautiful.

Terminal Colorschemes

On OS X, colorschemes for iTerm2 and Terminal.app are provided with the download. Simply double click to install.


Spacegray.terminator is provided for Terminator and can be installed by copying to ~/.config/terminator/config on Linux or $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/terminator/config if you're running OS X.

Gnome Terminal

For gnome terminal, you can configure the terminal with the following set of gsettings commands:

profile_key=$(gsettings get org.gnome.Terminal.ProfilesList default | sed -e "s/'//g" | tr -d "\n")
gsettings set org.gnome.Terminal.Legacy.Profile:/org/gnome/terminal/legacy/profiles:/:$profile_key/ visible-name "'Spacegray'"
gsettings set org.gnome.Terminal.Legacy.Profile:/org/gnome/terminal/legacy/profiles:/:$profile_key/ background-color "'rgb(17,19,20)'"
gsettings set org.gnome.Terminal.Legacy.Profile:/org/gnome/terminal/legacy/profiles:/:$profile_key/ foreground-color "'rgb(183,187,183)'"
gsettings set org.gnome.Terminal.Legacy.Profile:/org/gnome/terminal/legacy/profiles:/:$profile_key/ use-theme-colors "false"
gsettings set org.gnome.Terminal.Legacy.Profile:/org/gnome/terminal/legacy/profiles:/:$profile_key/ palette "['rgb(44,47,51)', 'rgb(176,76,80)', 'rgb(145,150,82)', 'rgb(226,153,92)', 'rgb(102,137,157)', 'rgb(141,100,148)', 'rgb(82,124,119)', 'rgb(96,99,96)', 'rgb(75,80,86)', 'rgb(176,76,80)', 'rgb(148,152,91)', 'rgb(226,153,92)', 'rgb(102,137,157)', 'rgb(141,100,148)', 'rgb(82,124,119)', 'rgb(221,227,220)']"

gnome-terminal should then immediately reflect Spacegray colors.


For Linux/BSD users, here is a sample ~/.Xresources:

*background: #111314
*foreground: #B7BBB7
! black
*color0: #2C2F33
*color8: #4B5056
! red
*color1: #B04C50
*color9: #B04C50
! green
*color2: #919652
*color10: #94985B
! yellow
*color3: #E2995C
*color11: #E2995C
! blue
*color4: #66899D
*color12: #66899D
! magenta
*color5: #8D6494
*color13: #8D6494
! cyan
*color6: #527C77
*color14: #527C77
! white
*color7: #606360
*color15: #DDE3DC

For lower contrast Spacegray, use a background color of #242424


Copyright (c) Akshay Hegde. Distributed under the same terms as Vim itself. See :help license