119 lines
3.9 KiB
119 lines
3.9 KiB
from abc import ABC
import re
from toxicity_ml_pipeline.settings.hcomp_settings import TOXIC_35
import numpy as np
TOXIC_35_set = set(TOXIC_35)
url_group = r"(\bhttps?:\/\/\S+)"
mention_group = r"(\B@\S+)"
urls_mentions_re = re.compile(url_group + r"|" + mention_group, re.IGNORECASE)
url_re = re.compile(url_group, re.IGNORECASE)
mention_re = re.compile(mention_group, re.IGNORECASE)
newline_re = re.compile(r"\n+", re.IGNORECASE)
and_re = re.compile(r"&\s?amp\s?;", re.IGNORECASE)
class DataframeCleaner(ABC):
def __init__(self):
def _clean(self, df):
return df
def _systematic_preprocessing(self, df):
df.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=True)
if "media_url" in df.columns:
print(".... removing tweets with media")
df.drop(df[~df.media_url.isna()].index, inplace=True, axis=0)
print("WARNING you are not removing tweets with media to train a BERT model.")
print(".... deleting duplicates")
df.drop_duplicates("text", inplace=True, keep="last")
print(f"Got {df.shape[0]} after cleaning")
return df.reset_index(inplace=False, drop=True)
def _postprocess(self, df, *args, **kwargs):
return df
def __call__(self, df, *args, **kwargs):
print(f"Got {df.shape[0]} before cleaning")
df["raw_text"] = df.text
df = self._clean(df)
df = self._systematic_preprocessing(df)
return self._postprocess(df, *args, **kwargs)
def mapping_func(el):
if el.aggregated_content in TOXIC_35_set:
return 2
if el.label == 1:
return 1
return 0
class DefaultENNoPreprocessor(DataframeCleaner):
def _postprocess(self, df, *args, **kwargs):
if "toxic_count" in df.columns and "non_toxic_count" in df.columns:
df["vote"] = df.toxic_count / (df.toxic_count + df.non_toxic_count)
df["agreement_rate"] = np.max((df.vote, 1 - df.vote), axis=0)
if "label_column" in kwargs and kwargs["label_column"] != "label":
if kwargs["label_column"] == "aggregated_content":
print("Replacing v3 label by v3.5 label.")
if "num_classes" in kwargs and kwargs["num_classes"] < 3:
df["label"] = np.where(df.aggregated_content.isin(TOXIC_35_set), 1, 0)
elif "num_classes" in kwargs and kwargs["num_classes"] == 3:
print("Making it a 3-class pb")
df["label"] = df.apply(mapping_func, axis=1)
raise NotImplementedError
elif kwargs['label_column'] in df.columns:
df['label'] = df[kwargs['label_column']]
if kwargs['class_weight'] is not None:
df["class_weight"] = np.where(df['label'] == 1, 1-kwargs['class_weight'],
raise NotImplementedError
if "filter_low_agreements" in kwargs and kwargs["filter_low_agreements"] == True:
df.drop(df[(df.agreement_rate <= 0.6)].index, axis=0, inplace=True)
raise NotImplementedError
return df
class DefaultENPreprocessor(DefaultENNoPreprocessor):
def _clean(self, adhoc_df):
".... removing \\n and replacing @mentions and URLs by placeholders. "
"Emoji filtering is not done."
adhoc_df["text"] = [url_re.sub("URL", tweet) for tweet in adhoc_df.raw_text.values]
adhoc_df["text"] = [mention_re.sub("MENTION", tweet) for tweet in adhoc_df.text.values]
adhoc_df["text"] = [
newline_re.sub(" ", tweet).lstrip(" ").rstrip(" ") for tweet in adhoc_df.text.values
adhoc_df["text"] = [and_re.sub("&", tweet) for tweet in adhoc_df.text.values]
return adhoc_df
class Defaulti18nPreprocessor(DataframeCleaner):
def _clean(self, adhoc_df):
print(".... removing @mentions, \\n and URLs. Emoji filtering is not done.")
adhoc_df["text"] = [urls_mentions_re.sub("", tweet) for tweet in adhoc_df.raw_text.values]
adhoc_df["text"] = [
newline_re.sub(" ", tweet).lstrip(" ").rstrip(" ") for tweet in adhoc_df.text.values
return adhoc_df